
Derwent makes a tremendously useful dry form of ink which they call “Inktense Ink Blocks.” I’ve made a travel kit that allows me to use them like watercolors. Below, you can see the first iteration of my travel kit. This compact set has gone all around the world with me. It made it possible to paint when I had no more than ten minutes at a rest stop. Getting set up to paint takes less than a minute and I can pack it all away in 20 seconds.

This is one of my larger studio pieces next to my Inktense kit. I use this same kit when painting en plein air and in the studio

click here for Pen and Ink work

Derwent’s Inktense ink blocks can be a lot of fun in the studio, too. As with my other media, I generally use my own photos for reference. On occasion, I’ll use photos taken by my wife (with permission, of course!).

To order, send me an email at or send me a Facebook message with the title(s) you want!

I will add newer paintings on top as I paint them.

Studio Work

Plein Air Work

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